Our Credentials
Since our corporate beginnings in 1995, we have retained the same ideals and high standards with our focus on “folks working at heights”. In short, we are Fall Protection Specialists. With over 20 years of experience devoted to work at heights, we excel in the development and delivery of fall protection training programs and can provide you with an effective ‘turn key’ solution for your training requirements. To learn more about us, read our
corporate profile.
Fall Protection Group is a business unit of Capital Safety – home of the DBI Sala and Protecta brands of fall protection equipment. Our quality training complements the leading edge equipment they manufacture.
Ultimately, we continue to be responsible for delivering top quality training, focused on the concepts and principles of fall protection irrespective of the brand of gear being used. Our programs are focused on providing the depth and breadth of fall protection knowledge to workers so they can work safely at height in their work environment.